May 6, 2018

Brighton West

Episode 9: Optimizing your online video presence with Brighton West

Online video expert Brighton West has honed his skills not just in video production, but in the best ways to leverage various online video platforms and formats.

Brighton started out behind the camera, making narrative and documentary videos. He soon learned that being on camera was more influential, beneficial and profitable than being behind it. So he overcame his on camera jitters and now helps his clients turn the camera on themselves. Brighton has built his business by creating YouTube tutorials about using YouTube in business. Through his channel, he’s positioned himself as the expert for coaches, authors and speakers who want to grow their global audience with YouTube.

Brighton works with clients around the world, handling the technical and strategic side of online video and teaching them to record their own. His team then edits, uploads and optimizes the videos, then gets them ready for promotion, to position the coach as an expert in their niche.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Why video should be a key part of your marketing strategy
  • How to step out from behind the camera – and shine in front of the camera
  • Playing the long game with video content, rather than looking for overnight results
  • How to capitalize on Youtube as a major search engine
  • Working with live video on Facebook – and getting more exposure than a recorded and uploaded video
  • Different video strategies for different platforms, like using LinkedIn native video (recorded right on LinkedIn) for better exposure than uploading from Youtube
  • How to give away content to build relationship, and consolidate/add value to create content for sale
  • Finding success through video content by attracting clients who are eager to work with you
  • How, with only $75 worth of gear, you’ll be set for a solid start in video production
  • Smart ways to leverage advertising to build your audience

The Golden Nuggets:

“I realized the flaws I saw in myself on camera, other people didn't see. That's very common, you see tiny things, tiny imperfections. Do not stop there. Just go for it and keep improving over time. You’re your own worst critic.” – Brighton West Share on X “A great place to start is Facebook. Those are your friends and family. They're going to be positive. And hopefully you've got a couple people willing to keep it real, like, ‘Oh yeah. I think you need to brush your hair.’” – Brighton West Share on X “YouTube is a slow-growth thing. The first video, not too many people are going to watch. It just grows over time. Then videos intersect with one another and create this big web, and it just keeps growing and it lasts forever.” – Brighton West Share on X “Youtube is where people go to find answers to their questions. So go where your clients are asking questions and provide some great answers.” – Brighton West Share on X “For people who are coaches, or people who give advice or invite clients into their home, or are invited into clients’ homes, video is a great way to create that trust factor even before that face-to-face interaction.” – Brighton West Share on X “As people get to know you via video, it can act to almost pre-qualify your clients. They get a sense of who you are and can decide if it’s a good fit. People who are excited about your videos will be excited to work with you.” – Brighton West Share on X “It comes down to having a strong, narrow niche.” – Brighton West Share on X “Youtube is not as concerned about the number of clicks on your video. A more important metric to them (and to you) is how long someone watches. The longer they watch, the more engaged they are.” – Brighton West Share on X “One of the best video setups is also the cheapest. A suction cup holding your phone on a window features natural light, keeps the camera steady and at the right level. Don't spend a ton of money for expensive equipment.” – Brighton West Share on X