Episode 66: Silence Your Inner Critic to Boost Your Creativity

Do you hear a voice inside your head, telling you that you’re not right for the job; you don’t have the skills; somebody else would do far better, and that you’re terrible at this?
In Episode 66, NAPO Stand Out Podcast Host, Clare Kumar interviews speaker, author and, creativity evangelist, Denise R. Jacobs. Denise sheds light on the inspirations behind her new book, Banish Your Inner Critic. she explains her constant battle with a critical voice in her head, which told her she was a fraud and too inexperienced to write with authority, and discusses how she managed to come to grips with negative self-talk.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of creativity, what true genius is, and how successful companies are often the most creative, irrespective of their line of work. We also discover the value of the inner critic, understand where it comes from, and why it’s impossible to rid it from your mind forever. Denise walks us through science-backed exercises designed to ease anxiety and tame your inner critic. These are techniques that you can do on your own, every day, and with ease.
Tune into this episode to hear more from this insightful and reassuring discussion!
About the Speaker
Denise R. Jacobs is a Speaker, Author, and Creativity Evangelist who speaks at conferences and consults with companies worldwide. As the Founder and CEO of The Creative Dose, she promotes techniques to unlock creativity and help people become engaged contributors, synergistic collaborators, and authentic leaders. Denise is the author of Banish Your Inner Critic, the premier handbook on silencing fears to unleash creativity. She is also the Head Instigator of The Creativity ® Evolution, and the founder of Rawk The Web.
Key Points From This Episode:
- What led Denise to realize that she was capable of more than she gave herself credit for.
- How creativity can help companies solve problems.
- Where the inner critic came from and why it can be useful.
- Exercises you can do to get in touch with your inner critic and understand it.
- Find out how the pandemic should be approached from a mental health point of view.
- Denise gives us a practical lesson on how to manage anxiety.
- Hear about how you can use something called a ‘swipe file.’.
- Why the goal isn’t to completely rid yourself of your inner critic.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Denise Jacobs — https://denisejacobs.com/
Denise Jacobs on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/deniserjacobs/
Denise Jacobs on Twitter — https://twitter.com/denisejacobs
Brené Brown — https://brenebrown.com/
The Creative Dose — https://thecreativedose.com/
Banish Your Inner Critic on Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/Banish-Your-Inner-Critic-Self-Doubt/dp/1633534715
Creativity Revolution on Amazon —https://www.amazon.com/Creativity-Revolution-Reinvent-Creative-Prosper-ebook/dp/B00D7M Q2PU
Rawk The Web — https://rawktheweb.com/
CSS Detective Guide on Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/CSS-Detective-Guide-solving-mysteries/dp/0321683943