Episode 64: The Tiny Home Revolution

More than a fad, tiny homes are the perfect housing solutions for people looking to downsize and live a simpler, more eco-friendly life. In Episode 64, NAPO Stand Out Podcast Host, Clare Kumar speaks with interior design and space efficiency specialist, Tricia Sinon Murray about tiny homes. Not only is she an expert on the subject, but she also happens to live in a tiny home with her two children.
We open our conversation by chatting about why people are moving into tiny homes. As tiny homes require an extreme economy of space, Tricia reflects on the importance of understanding her client’s lifestyle needs when designing their homes. We explore common challenges, along with the incredible opportunities for clever custom-designed interiors and multi-purpose features. After discussing how listeners can engage with tiny homes, we touch on the benefits of living in one, designing these spaces for pets, and why clear communication is key to sharing tiny home spaces. Tricia shares her tips for helping clients get rid of things they don’t need before we dive into the concept of essentialism — only surrounding yourself with objects that are essential to you.
Tune into this episode to hear more about the tiny home revolution and how you can get started on simplifying your life on a grand scale!
About the Speaker
Tricia Sinon Murray is a space efficiency specialist, professional organizer, minimalist and tiny dweller in Colorado. The mountains are her happy place, and she loves to help folks live more sustainably in tiny homes!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Why people want to downsize by moving into tiny homes.
- How the pandemic has led to an increased interest in tiny homes.
- The importance of understanding your client’s needs for downsizing.
- Exploring any mindset challenges that people need to overcome before downsizing.
- How tiny homes lend themselves to clever custom-design and multi-use features.
- What organizers can do to bring innovations from the tiny home world into their practice.
- Style benefits to tiny homes; your budget covers a significantly smaller surface area.
- Overcoming difficulties around sharing the same space for extended periods.
- Designing tiny home spaces that are pet-friendly.
- Helping clients get rid of the things that they don’t need.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Tricia Sinon Murray — https://allabouteaseorganizing.com/about/
Tricia on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/tricia-sinon-murray-78463a163/
All About Ease Organizing on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/AllAboutEaseOrganizing/
NAPO — http://napo.net/join
NAPO Course Catalog — http://napo.net/education
IKEA— https://www.ikea.com/
Colorado Tiny House Enthusiasts on Facebook— https://www.facebook.com/tinyhouseenthusiastscolorado/
Wee Casa — https://www.weecasa.com/
Airbnb — https://www.airbnb.co,
Vrbo — https://www.vrbo.com/
Colorado Tiny House Association — https://www.facebook.com/coloradotha/
Poshmark — https://poshmark.com/
Willy Morris — https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Morris-British-artist-and-author
Essentialism on Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/Essentialism-Disciplined-Pursuit-Greg-McKeown/dp/0804137382