Episode 67: Virtual Body Language

As work-from-home has become the new normal, we’ve replaced in-person talking with online meetings, often resulting in unenergetic presentations and garbled messaging.
In Episode 67, NAPO Stand Out Podcast Host, Clare Kumar interviews Body Language Expert, Alison Henderson about proven strategies that will improve how you communicate online. After exploring changes to how we communicate, Alison shares her insights into why standing out as an excellent Zoom communicator will be key in business for the foreseeable future.
In this episode, we discuss what you can do to make virtual meetings feel dynamic and similar to the face-to-face experience. From when you should turn off your camera and how you can convey authenticity, Alison shares her top tips and best practices for online speaking and listening and discusses the signals you should look out for before highlighting what women can do to own the online space. You’ll also hear Alison’s actionable steps on becoming a better speaker and building trust during online meetings as well as learn about the secrets of the shoulders and simple steps to being a more engaging presence.
Tune into this episode to hear about the challenges of virtual meetings and how you can overcome them!
About the Speaker
Body language expert, Alison Henderson, has developed proven strategies for improving how you give and receive body language signals to create powerful communication. The pandemic has brought digital communication to the forefront, and Alison has been busy sharing how you can come across authentic through the computer screen. Alison’s firm, Moving Image Consulting, specializes in helping clients move from confusing or overwhelming communicators to clear, confident and concise speakers.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Exploring communication differences in the pandemic and pre-pandemic world.
- Creating an online space that’s energetic and facilitates communication.
- Insights into how you can be a better and more engaged online listener.
- The best ways to position yourself to make the most of your body language.
- How women can own the online communication space.
- Secrets of the shoulders; how our shoulders can give away our decision-making process.
- The power of using the word ‘which’ when deciding between options.
- Advice on when to look into the camera and how to build trust in a meeting.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Alison Henderson on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/movingimage/
Alison Henderson on Twitter — https://twitter.com/moveobservation
Alison Henderson on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9MhyoH6dVu-mofncAz7XmA
Alison Henderson on Facebook — https://web.facebook.com/movingimageconsulting
Alison Henderson on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/alison_bodylanguage_henderson/
Alison’s Courses — https://bodylanguage101.thinkific.com
Moving Image Consulting — https://movingimageconsulting.com/
Closing the Distance in Distance Learning on Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/Closing-Distance-Learning-Teachers-Communication-ebook/dp/B08FQ275RG
The Labanarium — https://www.labanarium.com/
College of DuPage — https://www.cod.edu/
Reckless Ensemble Theatre — https://www.labanarium.com/contribution/reckless-ensemble-theatre/
Mark Bowden — https://truthplane.com/home/people/mark-bowden/
Zoom — https://zoom.us/