Episode 59: The Value of Mastermind Groups

Most of us have probably heard of mastermind groups, but only some of us have had the benefits of experiencing them first-hand. In episode 59 of the NAPO Standout Podcast, we are joined by masterminds expert, Aaron Walker.
Aaron is a vastly successful entrepreneur and someone who attributes a lot of his success to the masterminds he has attended. Being around great minds and building networks of support and ideas can do so much to push the needle forward for all of us and he is a great example of this. He is the author of View from the Top and is the founder of Iron Sharpens Iron and The Mastermind Playbook.
After a varied and surprising professional life, Aaron has so much perspective and validated expertise on what leads to achievement and growth. We hear about his upbringing, pivots in his path, and why he retired a few times. He makes some strong arguments for community and how isolation can lead to the death of your dreams. Tune into this episode to learn more about accountability, networks, and the formats that masterminds groups can take for optimum results!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Practical applications of masterminds; Aaron’s strong belief in community and relationships.
- Gaining access through your connections and the benefits of varied perspectives.
- Existing networks versus founding something new — the power is in the format!
- Why Aaron prefers non-local video meetings; privacy and a wide range of perspectives.
- Formats for meetings; rotation, repetition, and a methodical approach to things.
- Insight and affirmation provided by a network; vital parts of growth that we can use.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
NAPO — http://napo.net/join
Aaron Walker on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop
Iron Sharpens Iron – https://www.viewfromthetop.com/
View from the Top — https://www.amazon.com/View-Top-Living-Life-Significance/dp/B07C62YG8S
Dave Ramsey — https://www.daveramsey.com/
Dan Miller — https://www.48days.com/
Ken Abraham — https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/ken-abraham/219033/
The Mastermind Playbook — https://www.themastermindplaybook.com
Mercy Me — http://mercyme.org/
EntreLeadership — https://www.entreleadership.com/
Michael Stelzner — https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/author/mike-stelzner/
Cliff Ravenscraft — https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/
Ray Edwards — https://rayedwards.com/
Zoom — https://zoom.us/