Episode 63: Highlighting Diversity in Small Business

Being an industry leader means tackling current events and embracing inclusivity and diversity within our profession. But it’s difficult to know what this means and what change should look like.
To answer these questions, we’ve brought in three movers and shakers for a discussion on diversity. In episode 63 of the NAPO Stand Out Podcast, we are joined by NAPO Members Tanisha Porter, Cindy Levitt, and Mackenzie Scott, CPO as they dive into what diversity means, how different generations see racial issues, what it means to create companies based in allyship, and the importance of listening and learning from others.
Their answers reflect a key theme — that these issues relate to people differently depending on their personal experience. As we explore the topic, we touch on how different generations see racial issues, what it means to create companies based in allyship, and the importance of listening and learning from others.
Our guests speak on what the industry can do to make more inclusive spaces, such as using social media to expand your horizons, speaking up about diversity, offering support for less fortunate households, and reaching out to professional people of color.
We also discuss how business owners can make their teams more diverse and how this will boost the prominence of the productivity and organization industry. We reflect on how being an ally can empower others and why being a good ally means aligning your words with your actions.
For many, this can be an uncomfortable conversation. But this discomfort is a first step in enacting change and growing our industry. Tune in this episode to hear what simple steps you can follow to be at the forefront of fighting for diversity!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Introducing our illustrious guests, Tanisha Porter, Cindy Levitt, and Mackenzie Scott.
- What diversity means to each guest and how their answers reflect their personal experience.
- How being ‘white’ is considered the default state in America.
- Differences in how generations tolerate race issues; their foundations are different.
- Creating safe spaces and companies that are based in allyship.
- The importance of exploring your perceptions and being willing to listen and learn about others.
- Hear what you can do to make the organizing industry more inclusive.
- Tanisha opens up about the experience of being a black professional in America.
- The vital role that black organizations serve in fostering community.
- What business owners can do to make their teams more diverse.
- Reaching out to schools and letting kids know that they might have a future in planning and organization.
- Empowering others by being an ally, standing up, and speaking out.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
NAPO — http://napo.net/join
NAPO Course Catalog — http://napo.net/education
Tanisha Porter — https://naturalbornorganizers.com/about/
Natural Born Organizers — https://naturalbornorganizers.com/
Natural Born Organizers on Twitter — https://twitter.com/NaturalBornOrg
Natural Born Organizers on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/NaturalBornOrganizers
Natural Born Organizers on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/naturalbornorganizers/
Natural Born Organizers on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr807weAuWdFQeAmTtfD7tQ/about
Cindy Levitt on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/cindylevitt/
Peace by Piece Professional Organizing and Design — https://www.pxporganizing.com/
Peace by Piece Professional Organizing and Design on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/pxporganizing
Peace by Piece Professional Organizing and Design on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/pxp_organizing/
Mackenzie Scott on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/mackgscott/
Mission 2 Organize — www.mission2organize.com
Mission 2 Organize Email — info@mission2organize.com
Mission 2 Organize on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/m2organize/
Mission 2 Organize on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Mission2Organize/
Mission 2 Organize on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJws4WYU1MEiIwJgOOHsOfA
Howard University — https://home.howard.edu/
Los Angeles Times — https://www.latimes.com/
Costco Connections — https://www.costco.com/costco-connection-online-edition.html
Goop — https://goop.com/
The Redefining Wealth Podcast with Patrice Washington — https://patricewashington.com/listen/
National Association of Black Professional Organizers — https://nabpo.org/
Washington University — www.wustl.edu
DePaul University — https://www.depaul.edu
Schae Lewis on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/schaelewis/
Bahar Partow on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/baharphotography/
University of Missouri — https://missouri.edu/
The Cosby Show — https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086687/
A Different World — https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092339/
California State University — https://www.calstate.edu