Episode 35: Living Intentionally: Debunking the Myths of Minimalism

On Episode 35 of the Stand Out Podcast Series “Living Intentionally: Debunking the Myths of Minimalism” Professional Productivity and Organizing Coach, Aimee Olson, NAPO Member since 2015, joins us to discuss Minimalism and the myths of living intentionally.
Despite being organized from a young age, Aimee found herself drained and tired from her career, which led her onto the path of minimalism. She explores what it is, what is really means and challenges some mainstream ideas of what minimalism is. It is not about bare white walls or simple clean lines as art and architectural definitions. Instead, minimalism is about creating a space in your life for things which spark joy, freeing you to do what you love.
Minimalism is about being your most authentic self, which is not an easy task. Rather, it is a daily practice to be incorporated into all aspects of your life, in order for you to see through the clutter and find what makes you tick. To gain some insight on how to get started on the path of living more intentionally, download and listen today!
“It really should be about improving your life and not creating a life based on what somebody else is doing.” – Aimee Olson
Key Points From This Episode:
- The importance of authenticity.
- Why living with less can give you more clarity.
- Minimalism is not only about fewer material possessions, but it’s also a paradigm shift.
- Minimalism cannot be quantified.
- The two most important questions to ask yourself every day when practicing minimalism.
- Why organizing professionals don’t always think of themselves as minimalists.
- Why Aimee doesn’t use the word minimalism with her clients.
- Saying no is also a decluttering practice
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Aimee’s website — www.lifedonesimply.com