November 11, 2018

Brittany Bailey

Episode 21: Creating Good Content that Gets Found – with Brittany Bailey

You know you are an expert organizer or productivity specialist, but does the world know? Blogging in 2018 is still a great way to tell people who you are, how you can help, and your unique point of view as an expert. Maybe you started a blog a few years ago and have let it slide down the priority list. Maybe you’ve been thinking about it and just don’t know how to get started.

On this episode, Sarah talks with Brittany Bailey of about how to start and maintain a blog or any content creation platform. Brittany started blogging nearly 10 years ago, and has built up a great reputation in the DIY space. She specializes in “how-to” posts that walk people step-by-step through simple to complex home improvement project. She does all of this with the message (about blogging and DIY) “You can do it!”

Brittany is a licensed general contractor, artist, graphic designer, web designer, photographer and lover of doing everything herself.

Through her renovation projects, blogging, and social media posts, Brittany is all about breaking down the stereotype that women aren’t handy.

What You Will Learn in this Episode:

  • Understanding simple publishing tools like WordPress
  • When to hire someone to help with your content
  • How to become a contributor or add contributors to your blog
  • Using Pinterest to your best advantage
  • Setting up a content calendar
  • Why there is plenty of room for more content
  • How and why to treat your content creation like a business
  • How to be confident in your POV even as you are starting out

Golden Nuggets

“When it comes to social media, don’t worry so much about volume. Find your people. Find out where you like hanging out, and feed that.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “The best ways that I've found for reaching a specific brand that you want to work with is going to the social media where they are and start a conversation about sponsorship.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “I like to actually put a monetary value on what I'm going to offer a brand. So I’ll assign a value to specific blog posts, and then assign tweets a certain value, and Instagram stories a certain value.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “Before you look for sponsors for your content, take some time to find your voice and polish your presentation.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “I will only work with brands or sponsors of products that I would refer to my best friend or my mom or my sister.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “You can’t do everything. When you're really involved with something, loving what you are doing and just throwing yourself into it, there are going to be other balls that are going to drop.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “There are so many ways to get organized. Just because someone's done it before doesn't mean you shouldn’t be sharing about the way you do it. That’s how you find your audience.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “I feel like every organizer listening needs to put your content out there because I need your help!” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “With content creation, or really anything in running a business, don't be apologetic about where you are in your journey. Be confident. You are a big deal, and you can project that from the beginning.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X “Treat content creation like a business. Because it can turn into a business on its own, and if not, it will definitely be part of your business development. So treat it like a business from day one.” – Brittany Bailey Share on X