October 21, 2018

Standolyn Robertson

Episode 20: What are You Going to Do about That? Solving Problems and Playing to Your Strengths, with Standolyn Robertson

There is no one way to be a productivity and organization professional. The opportunities and potential niche markets in the field are vast. Standolyn Robertson has found her niche in residential organizing. Funny and engaging, she shares in our 20th podcast episode of Stand Out how education, certification as a CPO®, volunteering and connecting with peers has been invaluable in helping her find her way, and encouraging others to find their unique fit.

Standolyn Robertson is an organizing expert, speaker and writer. She founded her business, Things in Place in the year 2000. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Women’s Day, USA Today, the Boston Globe, CBS, Boston, NPR, and the Emmy-nominated show, Hoarders.

What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

  • The value of attending conferences with industry peers
  • How volunteering on boards and committees opens doors and develops relationships
  • Why understanding your expenses and not just your gross revenue is so important
  • The importance of doing the work that inspires you rather than conforming to someone else’s standard of success.
  • How to get paid for your wisdom, not just your hands-on work
  • The value of becoming a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®)
  • How to manage and exceed client expectations
  • Using the question, “What are you going to do about that?” to get unstuck from indecision
  • How to value your own talents and interests and avoid imposter syndrome
  • Why having employees, sub-contractors, or working on your own doesn’t have to be a one-and-done decision

Golden Nuggets

“Just starting out, I didn’t know there was such a thing as NAPO. I was just following my interests, and didn’t start out working for someone else. I thought I invented the field!” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “When I catch myself being dissatisfied with a decision or outcome, I’ve learned to ask myself, ‘ok, what are you going to do about that?’” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “As much as I love the speakers and sessions at a conference, I get my best information in the elevator or talking to someone at lunch.” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “I don’t subscribe to a hierarchy of tasks. Corporate organizing is not more elevated than residential. Focus on the niche that works for you. You’re not going to make more money if you are unhappy and miserable.” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “Sometimes we think we have to be doing busy work and moving our hands, touching stuff in order to get paid. You can be paid for your wisdom.” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “Becoming a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®) puts you in a position to quickly demonstrate your professionalism.” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “I was featured on the show Hoarders, and now people think I can get them cleaned up and organized in 30 minutes! They don’t realize the work that goes on when the cameras are not rolling.” – Standolyn Robertson Share on X “I made the decision to mostly work on my own right now. I like working one-on-one in a steady process, sticking with a few clients, building a relationship and having that relationship last for years.” Standolyn Robertson Share on X