Episode 42: Why Social Media Is A Non-Negotiable for Organizers

We are extremely fortunate to be joined by the charismatic James Lott, Jr. on Episode 42 of the NAPO Podcast, Stand Out! He is a television and radio show host, podcaster, author, actor, life coach and organizer who tells us just how important social media is for anyone who is in the organizing space. Regardless of your personality, it is vital for you to start putting yourself out there and to use these channels to let people know who you are and to introduce and remind them about your product.
On this episode, we approach the topic of social media at a slightly different angle, and James shares some of the incredible opportunities he has had as a direct result of being consistent in his online presence. He shares tips to stand out among the many other names and he gets into the nitty-gritty of hashtagging so that absolutely anyone listening will have a firm grasp on what presenting yourself online should look like.
If you are hesitant to appear in front of a camera and to engage with people on social media, remember this: there are as many different types of clients as there are organizers, so all you have to do is be yourself and the right crowd will find you! This is a super exciting episode with lots of practical tips for getting started on social, so be sure to join us!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Becoming a certified life coach and how his blog got him on a radio show.
- Demystifying social media and examples of how it can be used as a powerful marketing tool.
- The importance of being consistent in posting and tips for standing out.
- The ABCs of hashtagging: which words to use, tagging yourself and why it is important.
- Having very specific as well as general hashtags and getting your social media handle right.
- Advice for organizers who want to be discovered but don’t want to be in front of the camera.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
James Lott Jr — https://thesuperorganizeruniverse.com/author/jlottjr/
James Lott Jr on Twitter — https://twitter.com/JamesLottJunior?ref_src
The Super Organizer on Twitter — https://twitter.com/thesupero?lang=en
The SOS Show — https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sos-show-with-james-lott-jr/id1230697417
Blackhope Productions — https://blakhopeproductions.com/
Maria Menounos — https://mariamenounos.com/
AfterBuzz TV — https://www.afterbuzztv.com/
iHeartRADIO — https://www.iheart.com/
Capital City Web Awards — https://capitalcitywebawards.com/
Julie Morgenstern — https://www.juliemorgenstern.com/
Hugh Laurie on Twitter — https://twitter.com/hughlaurie?ref_src
House — https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0412142/
Coach Training Alliance — https://www.coachtrainingalliance.com/
International Coach Federation — https://coachfederation.org/
When Calls the Heart — https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/when-calls-the-heart
Marie Kondo — https://konmari.com/
NAPO — https://www.napo.net/join