Episode 60: Growing a Successful Organizing Team

Growing any business can be a daunting task and the organizing industry is no different! We have found that the fear that stands in way of business owners, is possibly even greater in the self-run companies that you are likely to find in our field. In episode 60 of the NAPO Standout Podcast, we are joined by Kristin Bertilson, CPO and NAPO Member since 2010, the brains behind Queen B Organizing.
Kristin is a great example of someone who has forged her own path and hurdled the obstacles that have halted her company’s progress. She very quickly found herself as the owner of a business after attending a NAPO conference and after just six months in the game, she was in need of hiring outside help.
In this episode, Kristin gives us the lowdown about these early stages and how she learned lessons early on about steady and healthy growth. We hear about the types of organizing she was initially focusing on and how Queen B diversified with its increase in size. We discuss this kind of diversification and how necessary it is in order to keep afloat as a larger team. Kristin comments on the responsibility of running a company and being in charge of so many salaries and gives us all-round inspiring advice in the realm of doing things in a way that suits you as well as your employees. Tune into his episode for all this and a whole lot more from a total organizing badass!
Key Points From This Episode:
- How Kristin built her business quickly and solidly.
- The hiring process and Kristin’s decisions for growing her team her way.
- Systems for hiring and the structure that employees entered into at Queen B.
- The marketing strategy at Queen B and how it has changed over time.
- Balancing large clean-outs, company size, and estate sales.
- Smart ways to diversify a business in order to stay busy; client feedback and employee-led growth.
- Challenges that Kristin and her team have faced as they have grown.
- And much more
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
NAPO — http://napo.net/join
Kristin Bertilson — https://www.linkedin.com/in/queenborganizing
Queen B Organizing — https://queenborganizing.com/
Craigslist — https://craigslist.org/
Elizabeth Hagen — http://thejoyfulorganizer.com/
DocuSign — https://www.docusign.com/