Episode 78: Step Into Your Swagger with Self-Acceptance, Your Biggest Asset

Get ready to change your definition of swagger, and to be inspired to do the work to find your own!
In Episode 78, NAPO Stand Out Podcast Host, Clare Kumar interviews Leslie Ehm, a creative director, training guru, author of Swagger, and an all-round love-filled badass! Finding your swagger is all about stepping into your authentic self and living your truth. Swagger looks different for everyone and leaves no room for judgement.
In this episode, we explore the three main driving forces behind swagger, why you shouldn’t be afraid of asking for a do-over, the value that lies in F bombs, and the importance of knowing when you should apologize and when you absolutely should not.
Tune into this episode to experience the magic that comes with finding your swagger!
About the Speaker:
Former TV host and advertising Creative Director turned training guru, Leslie Ehm has spent decades traveling the globe with her award-winning company Combustion, working with executives and teams from top organizations like Google, Disney, Pepsico, TD Bank, Uber, HBO, Lenovo, and more. She’s turned technologists into creative forces, bankers into storytellers, and has brought a serious dose of badass-ness to boardrooms everywhere. Fueled by her unrelenting passion for developing human potential, Leslie is now a Swagger Coach, author, and keynote speaker.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Fragmentation that many people experience, and how Leslie has learned to overcome this.
- Magic that happens when you start speaking your truth and stepping into your authentic self.
- Blockers that Leslie has identified which prevent us from fully being ourselves.
- The importance of being non-judgmental; everyone has a different kind of swagger.
- Situations in which you should apologize and those in which you shouldn’t.
- Understanding intention, truth and self-belief (the three drivers of swagger) and an example of how to manifest these in the right way.
- The importance of figuring out if you click with someone before doing business with them.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Swagger — https://www.leslieehm.com/book/
Combustion — https://combustionco.com/
The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman — https://alteregoeffect.com/
Google — https://www.google.com/
The Walt Disney Company — https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/
PepsiCo — https://www.pepsico.com/
TD Bank — https://www.td.com/us/en/personal-banking/
Uber — https://www.uber.com
HBO — https://www.hbo.com/
Brené Brown — https://brenebrown.com/
Oprah Winfrey — https://www.oprah.com/app/the-oprah-winfrey-show.html
The Four Tendencies Quiz by Gretchen Rubin — https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/
Michael Bungay Stanier — https://www.mbs.works/about/
NAPO University — https://www.pathlms.com/napo
NAPO — http://napo.net/join
NAPO on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/c/NAPONet/
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