February 25, 2018

Theresa Condict

Episode 4: Mastering your email marketing with Theresa Condict

Theresa Condict is a marketing professional and account manager at Idea Agency. She has proven success in building brand recognition and customer engagement through her knowledge of best practices in web development, SEO, digital advertising, email strategy, there it is, and database design.

Her work for Idea Agency includes development of strategic marketing plans, creating and managing annual marketing budgets, creating trafficking and product management as well as results-oriented digital strategy and implementation. Theresa is a graduate of McGill University and is pursuing her MBA in Business Data Analytics from Quinnipiac University. If that were not enough, Theresa is also a competitive race car driver.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Organizing your email marketing strategy
  • Getting the most from your email marketing analytics
  • Tracking results for increasingly efficient budgeting
  • Using the data from email services like Mail Chimp and Constant Contact
  • Understanding open rates vs. click rates
  • Growing your list while purging inactive subscribers
  • Comparing email benchmarks by industry – click rates and other metrics vary by industry
  • Recommended platforms for smaller scale and more advanced analytics
  • Why organic and inbound growth is more effective than buying a list
  • Effective use of calls to action and landing pages
  • Offering something of value – ebook, newsletter, discount, etc.
  • Understanding bounce rates, hard bounce and soft bounce
  • Tips on creating a great subject line

The Golden Nuggets:

“Data is becoming more and more important with marketing and really any kind of platform that you can use where you can easily track results and see what you're doing.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “The more information you have the more strategically you can plan your marketing and the more efficient you can be with your budget.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Really it's mostly about knowing which metrics to look at and which ones are really the most important.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “So even though list growth is important, if you have people on there that aren't doing anything with your emails, it can actually hurt you in the long run if you have a lot of unopened emails you're delivering.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “There are a lot of ways you can organically grow your subscriber list. Everyone should have a signup form on your website that's in a very clear spot so that you can get people who are coming to your website.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Once someone becomes a lead, then they're still in their decision process so they still might be researching other companies so you want to make sure that you're staying top of mind with them.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Make sure to include a share with a friend link in your email newsletter so that people can easily forward it. Also include social sharing buttons so if someone finds some content in your email helpful they can share it easily.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Definitely feel free to repurpose content… because I know sometimes it can seem daunting creating a whole email newsletter on a monthly or quarterly basis and having to pull together all of the content for that.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Keep your emails as personal as possible. Because we are getting so many emails from companies in our inbox now it can be a little hard to stand apart, but people are looking for that more personal relationship with companies.” – Theresa Condict Share on X “Make sure that you have clear call to actions on your website, either for people subscribing to a newsletter or for forms where they can download content because that's really going to be one of the best ways to grow your list.” – Theresa Condict Share on X