May 20, 2018

Lisa Montanaro

Episode 10: Let Go to Grow – Focusing on Your Strengths with Lisa Montanaro

If the legal aspect of starting or growing your business has you intimidated, lost or overwhelmed, we have got the expert for you. From legal documents to the ins and outs of everyday business, today’s expert has us covered. With a background as an attorney, mediator and trainer of entrepreneurs, Lisa Montanaro is a sought after business expert.

She is the owner of Lisa Montanaro Global Enterprises, the umbrella organization under which she offers productivity consulting, success coaching, business strategizing and speaking to individuals and organizations. Lisa is an inaugural certified professional organizer and a member of the Golden Circle of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Transitioning from another career into professional organizing
  • Pros and cons of subcontracting under established organizers when you are just starting out
  • Great PR starts with believing in what you do, then letting media and other influencers know about it.
  • How to grow a speaking and productivity coaching business
  • Tips on getting your name out there when you move to a new area
  • How raising your profile begets more opportunities to raise your profile
  • Understanding different kinds of legal business entities and which one is right for you
  • How to protect both yourself and your client in a business relationship
  • “Let go to grow.” Why delegating and outsourcing tasks is a path to exponential growth in your business

The Golden Nuggets:

“If you are a good performer usually you're a good communicator. You are willing to be the entrepreneurial face of your business.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “Ramping up a business and learning new skills – it’s like going through a mini MBA program. It is tough, but a great use of your time.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “Educational-based marketing is one of the most powerful ways to market your services. It’s less selling and more about helping people understand an industry.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “There’s always more than one path. If you are not a performer - if being up front uncomfortable - write. Or figure out a power partnership. Collaborate with someone who targets the same market but is not a direct competitor.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “Don’t be afraid to network with other organizers. It’s a great way to refer business back and forth. Many of us have different specialties and the pie is quite large.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “When you get to the point where you become an LLC or a corporation, let people know. Put it on your marketing materials. It’s one more reason for people to take you seriously.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “Adopt this mantra: ‘Let go to grow.’ It's no coincidence that for my business and every entrepreneur that I've ever coached – when we let go and start to delegate and outsource effectively, our business grows exponentially.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “You can’t fill all the roles – you can’t be entrepreneur, technician and manager. Decide what’s unique about you, what you really bring, and delegate everything else.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X “When adding to your team, definitely use word of mouth – get recommendations from people you trust. Don’t just Google a role and hope for the best.” – Lisa Montanaro Share on X