Episode 30: Improving Productivity, Efficiency And Performance

For this episode 30 of the NAPO Stand Out Podcast, we are joined by Brian Lassiter, President, and CEO of Performance Excellence Network.
Brian is an executive with deep experience in improving organizational performance, enterprise quality, organizational assessment, balanced scorecard and measurement, process improvement and effective leadership.
Brian has worked with dozens of organizations and a variety of industries to help them improve their performance and competitiveness. He has served 15 years on the board of examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. In this episode, we discuss how to help businesses improve their processes and improve their productivity and efficiency.
3 Key Takeaways from Brian:
- Everything is a process and all processes can be improved.
- There are many systematic ways to improve organizational performance.
- Excellence requires all parts of an organization to work in alignment (and there are simple ways of doing that!).
Key Points From This Episode:
- The Performance Excellence Network
- How Brian helps businesses become more efficient and customer and quality-focused.
- The management framework and how it helps leaders.
- Where to go to start the journey of research.
- What the Baldridge program is and what it does.
- Using the framework to find strengths and opportunities for improvement in your business.
- Finding what to improve first and then finding the right tool to imply that improvement.
- Understanding the Lean Framework, Six Sigma, and ISO.
- The Five S approach: Sorting, Straightening, Shining or Seeping, Standardizing and Sustaining.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Performance Excellence Network — http://www.performanceexcellencenetwork.org/
PENworks 2019 Conference: Empowering People, Achieving Excellence – http://www.performanceexcellencenetwork.org/events/penworks-2019.php
Brian on Twitter — https://twitter.com/lassiterbrian
Brian on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-lassiter-9309616
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award — https://asq.org/quality-resources/malcolm-baldrige-national-quality-award
NAPO — https://www.napo.net/
Price Waterhouse —https://www.pwc.com/
The Alliance for Performance Excellence — https://www.baldrigealliance.org/
GEM — https://www.excellencewithoutborders.org/
Baldrige — https://www.nist.gov/baldrige
Lean — https://www.lean.org/
ISO — https://www.iso.org/home.html
Six Sigma — http://leansixsigmadefinition.com/glossary/six-sigma/