Episode 32: Organize for Success with Emily Parks

On this episode of Stand Out we welcome the inspiring Emily Parks, professional productivity and organizing tech consultant and the founder of Organize for Success.
Emily shares her personal journey and how she got into the industry, joined NAPO, her public speaking gigs and the current services she offers clients. We discuss what it means to build a career and business such as hers, the high value of outsourcing and creating more space for new work with parallel income channels. Emily gives us great insight into how her job functions, the pricing model she has chosen and ideas on how to create your own outfit.
From there the conversation turns to some actionable and useful tips from our wonderful guest. We discuss calendars, contacts, backups, automation, delegation, and “brain-dumping”. For a fascinating conversation packed with helpful and thought-provoking ideas, be sure to listen to this episode.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Emily’s career arc and transitioning into the productivity industry.
- Ideas for how to approach building your own productivity business.
- The spaces that open up in your time when you create extra income channels.
- Moving towards more and more outsourcing.
- The pricing model that Emily offers and deciding on these.
- Tips for navigating towards better productivity tech tools.
- Using a CRM for keeping track of things that might slip your mind.
- Smart automation and delegation with your business.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Emily Parks — https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilyparks
Organize for Success — http://organizeforsuccess.biz
Institute for Professional Organizers— https://www.instituteprofessionalorganizers.com
Time Timer — https://www.timetimer.com
Time and Space Style Inventory Assessment — https://www.theorganizedadmin.com/tssi-assessment/
Myers Briggs — https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/
Calendly — https://calendly.com
Acuity Scheduling — https://acuityscheduling.com
SchedFast — https://www.schedfast.today
Vezeeta — https://www.vezeeta.com/en
Doodle — https://doodle.com
FullContact — https://www.fullcontact.com
SugarSync — https://www2.sugarsync.com
SpiderOak — https://spideroak.com
Backblaze — https://www.backblaze.com
Carbonite — https://carbonite.co.za/index.php
CrashPlan — https://www.crashplan.com
Eisenhower’s Box — https://jamesclear.com/eisenhower-box
Stephen Covey — https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits.html
IFTTT — https://ifttt.com/discover
Podbox — https://alternativeto.net/software/podbox/
Zapier — https://zapier.com
Metro’s Other Woman — https://www.metrosotherwoman.com
Errand Girl — http://errandgirlofdurham.com
Fiverr — https://www.fiverr.com
Upwork — https://www.upwork.com
TaskRabbit — https://www.taskrabbit.com
Todoist — https://todoist.com/
Remember the Milk — https://www.rememberthemilk.com
Microsoft Tasks — https://tasks.office.com
Evernote — https://evernote.com
Google Keep — https://keep.google.com
Microsoft OneNote — https://www.onenote.com