Episode 43: The Senior Niche with Jocelyn Kenner

Episode 43 of the NAPO Stand Out Podcast features Jocelyn Kenner, NAPO Member since 2007 who discusses her experience working with seniors and downsizing.
While Jocelyn may have accidentally fallen into working with seniors if you intend on making that your niche, it is a burgeoning market that has a lot of room for growth. There is not as much information on organizing for seniors as there is for other markets, so it is important to do research and understand the ways that senior clients are different from others. Jocelyn shares some of the challenges she has faced working with seniors and how she has to had to shift her thinking slightly to still achieve success.
Seniors often have needs that extend past simply needing an organizer, so be prepared to wear more than one hat. It is a rich and endlessly rewarding niche to work in for a variety of different reasons.
Key Points From This Episode:
- How Jocelyn found herself in the niche of organizing for seniors.
- What the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) at NAPO are and how they work.
- What organizers and productivity specialists can do to attract more senior clients.
- Some of the major differences between seniors and other, younger clients.
- Why it is important to consider physical safety when organizing a senior’s home.
- Some of the biggest misconceptions about working with seniors.
- And much more!
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Jocelyn Kenner — https://www.linkedin.com/in/jocelyn-kenner-5864b66/
Jocelyn Kenner on Twitter — https://twitter.com/seeyourwayclear
See Your Way Clear — http://seeyourwayclear.com/
Institute of Challenging Disorganization — https://www.challengingdisorganization.org/
FlyLady — http://www.flylady.net/
Julie Morgenstern — www.juliemorgenstern.com/
Katherine Anderson — https://www.andersonorganizing.com/
National Council on Aging — http://www.ncoa.org/
Seniors Resource Guide — https://www.seniorsresourceguide.com/
Caring.com — https://www.caring.com/
NAPO — https://www.napo.net/page/education
Join NAPO — https://www.napo.net/page/joinNAPO
ConstantContact — https://www.constantcontact.com/global/home-page
Sarah Karakaian — https://www.linkedin.com/in/skarakaian/